Executive Education

Shon Hiatt
Prior to joining USC, he was on the faculty at Harvard Business School. Shon Hiatt is an associate professor at USC Marshall School of Business and faculty affiliate of the Greif Center for Entrepreneurial Studies. He researches entrepreneurship, ESG strategy, and he is the recipient of numerous scholarly and teaching honors, including the Kauffman Junior Faculty Fellowship in Entrepreneurship and the Academy of Management and ARCS Emerging Scholar Awards. Professor Hiatt’s research has been published in academic journals and featured in media outlets.
Current Courses:
Articles & Research: |
Hiatt, S. R., Carlos, W. C., & Sine, W. D. (2018). Manu Militari: The institutional contingencies of stakeholder relationships on entrepreneurial performance. Organization Science, 29(4), 633-652. |
Grandy, J. B., & Hiatt, S. R. (2020). State agency discretion and entrepreneurship in regulated markets. Administrative Science Quarterly, 65(4), 1092-1131. |